UK Trip Info
Come explore England and Scotland with us for a 7 day Castles, Culture and Yarn Tour. March 7-15, 2025. We will start in London visiting Windsor Castle, British Museum, private English tea bus, Covent Garden, Camden passage, with shopping at Loop London, Liberty London and more. Options to explore Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and nightlife of London. We will spend a day enjoying spectacular views of rolling hills and sheep as we travel to Stonehenge and the English countryside. See the ancient mystery of Stonehenge before we travel the scenic landscape to Bath the home of Jane Austin, picturesque streets and honey colored buildings. Our adventure then takes us to Nottingham to stay in a cottage overnight and get a private tour of the Knitters Museum. We then venture to Scotland where we will stay in Edinburgh, and visit the Edinburgh Castle, Scottish Textile Showcase, Dovecot Studio and more. We will visit St. Andrews for castles, wool shopping, and visit Stirling for a Radical Weavers tartan workshop. We have fun private yarn shopping events planned as well. Classes are modified to accommodate all levels of knitting. Non knitters also welcome! We will have delicious plated dinners, a cast on party, and a fun social knit night. Hotel, admissions, knitting classes, 13 meals included.
See website ( for details