Welcome to our updated site!
Just getting set up to access your membership benefits? Follow these easy steps!
Request a new password
*Use the same email that your GBKG account is under. You will be emailed a temporary password.
Sign in with new password
*Sign in with the temporary password. Cut and paste it from your email. Don't worry, you can change the password later!
You are in
*You have now signed into your account and are able to access our members only content. If you need to make any updates you can manage your account from this page.
Update your password
*In the about tab of your account you will see the heading "Password" underneath your name and address. Click the blue "Change" text, enter your new password and click save at the bottom.
Browse the site
You can now access: members only section, membership directory, and the membership events in the calendar. To sign out (if on a public computer), click the member login button on the top right and select "Sign Out" from the member management tabs.